Thursday 4 August 2016

Cancel Amazon Prime During Free Trail

Cancel Amazon Prime During Free Trail - Is safe for us.

Amazon Prime is continuously growing, both in popularity and in features. To begin with, Amazon Prime was simply a way to get unlimited next day delivery at no extra cost, but it not encompasses a video streaming service, music streaming service, access to the Kindle Lending Library and Kindle First, unlimited cloud-based photo storage and more.
Amazon Prime is a membership-based service that provides free 2-day shipping with qualifying orders. Your credit card is automatically charged approximately $99 for a year membership after you complete the free trial. If you decide you do not want to continue your Prime membership after the free trial, you can use these 3 methods to cancel.

Cancelling Amazon Prime During a Free Trial

Remember your Amazon username and password. This is an email address and the password associated with the account. Most people use the same Amazon login for shopping, Kindle and Amazon Prime.

Go to Click on the “Hello. Sign in.” link in the top right of the website. Log in using your username and password.

Scroll down the page. Find the “Settings” section of your account.

Select “Manage Amazon Prime” from the long list of Settings options.

Check the “Payment History” section on the left. If you are still within your 30-day free trial, you can cancel without your credit card being charged. If your 30-day period has lapsed, you should move on to the next method.
  • The date your credit card will be charged is also listed in a paragraph below the “Member Since” date.
  • Amazon Prime memberships are charged once per year. If you use the service for shipping after your credit card has been charged $99, you may cancel, but your membership will last the remainder of the year.

Click “Do Not Continue” on the left hand side. It is directly below the date on which your credit card will be charged.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Tata Digital Health Recent Aptitude Answers July 2016

Answer 1:

g = grandson's age
s = son's age
m = my age
"My grandson is about as many days as my son is weeks,"
s = 7g
my grandson is as many months as I am in years.
m = 12g
g + s + m = 120
Substitute for m and s
g + 7g + 12g = 120
20g = 120
g = 120%2F20
g = 6 yrs is grandson's age

s = 7(6) = 42 yrs is son's age
m = 12(6) = 72 yrs is my age
See if we can prove this:
"My grandson is about as many days as my son is weeks," a
g: 6*365 = 2190 days
s: 42*52 = 2184 days, that's why they said "about"
"my grandson is as many months as I am in years."
g: 12*6 = 72 months

Answer 2:

The way I did it was to simply add up the uninjured people from each injury and subtract it from the total. A lot easier in my mind.

So: 25 + 30 + 15 + 20 = 90

Total soldiers - ones lacking at least one injury = 100 - 90 = 10.

Answer 3:

Raj, Rajesh, Rahul, Ravi, Rohit, Rakesh

Answer 4:

1 sheep - 1 dog = 1 goat + 1 dog
1 sheep - 1 goat = 2 dogs
A sheep is 10 dinars, but what does a goat cost?
The money they received for their camels is a square. And the digit in the tens-place of this square is odd (total money / 10 dinars), because they could not divide the sheep equally.
Now the interesting thing is that all squares with an odd tens-place end with a 6. (16^2 = 256, 24^2 = 576). So a goat must cost 6 dinars.
10 - 6 = 2 dogs

So a dog costs 2 dinars.

Answer 5:


As per given conditions, there are three possible 
combinations for 2nd, 3rd and 4th digits. They are (3, 0, 
7) or (4, 1, 8) or (5, 2, 9) 

It is given that there are 3 pairs whose sum is 11. All 
possible pairs are (2, 9), (3, 8), (4, 7), (5, 6). Now 
required number is 5 digit number and it contains 3 pairs 
of 11. So it must not be having 0 and 1 in it. Hence, the 
only possible combination for 2nd, 3rd and 4th digits is 
(5, 2, 9) 

Also, 1st digit is thrice the last digit. The possible 
combinations are (3, 1), (6, 2) and (9, 3), out of which 
only (6, 2) with (5, 2, 9) gives 3 pairs of 11. Hence, the 
answer is 65292.

Answer 6:

Let the total distance travelled downhill, on the level, and uphill, on the outbound journey, be x, y, and z, respectively.
The time taken to travel a distance s at speed v is s/v.

Hence, for the outbound journey

x/72 + y/63 + z/56 = 4

While for the return journey, which we assume to be along the same roads

x/56 + y/63 + z/72 = 14/3

It may at first seem that we have too little information to solve the puzzle.  After all, two equations in three unknowns do not have a unique solution.  However, we are not asked for the values of x, y, and z, individually; but for the value of x + y + z.

Multiplying both equations by the least common multiple of denominators 56, 63, and 72, we obtain

7x + 8y + 9z = 4 · 7 · 8 · 9
9x + 8y + 7z = (14/3) · 7 · 8 · 9

Now it is clear that we should add the equations, yielding

16(x + y + z) = (26/3) · 7 · 8 · 9

Therefore x + y + z = 273; the distance between the two towns is 273 miles.

Answer 7:


Answer 8:


Answer 9:

let a = original amt to be divided among his children:
1sh. 1000 + .1(a-1000) = (1000 + .1a - 100)
(.1a + 900) = 1st child amt
Subtract that from original amt:
a - (900+.1a) = (.9a - 900)
2sh. 2000 + .1[(.9a-900)-2000] = 2000 + .1(.9a-2900) = (2000 + .09a - 290)
(.09a + 1710) = 2nd child amt
It says the shares are equal, therefore we can find a:
1st child sh = 2nd child sh

.1a + 900 = .09a + 1710
.1a - .09a = 1710 - 900
.01a = 810
a = 810%2F.01
a = $81,000; original amt to be divided
Find the share given to the 1st child using the equation
1sh = .1a + 900
1sh = .1(81000) + 900
1sh = 8100 + 900
1sh = $9000 amt to 1st child
Check to see if the 2nd child equation yields the same amt
2sh = .09a + 1710
2sh = .09(81000) + 1710
2sh = 7290 + 1710 
2sh = $9000 amt to 2nd child, so we are on the right track
It asks how many children are there 81000/9000 = = 9 children each getting 9000

Answer 10:

Let A = number of minutes the accurate clock moves. 
Let S = number of minutes the slower clock moves.

We know that: S =5/6A

When the slower clock shows 3 PM, it has moved 180 minutes: S = 180

Hence:180 = 5/6A   =>   A = 216

The accurate clock has moved 216 minutes.
The time will be 3:36 PM.

Monday 25 July 2016

Tata Digital Health Recent Aptitude Questions July 2016

In Tata Digital Health recruitment process is based on following rounds.
1) Aptitude (Result will announced in ON SCREEN itself)
2) Programming Round (Have to do Two Programs and you must have to complete atleast one to clear this round, it also satisfy all test case. You can do in any language prefer hackerrank complier).
3) Techical Round in Bangalore.
4) HR Round in Bangalore.

                                                         ***ALL THE BEST***

Aptitude Questions

1) My grandson is about as many days as my son is weeks, and my grandson is as many months as I am in years. My grandson, my son and I together are 120 years. Can you tell me my age in years?

2) A group of 100 soldiers suffered the following injuries in a battle: 70 soldiers lost an eye, 75 lost an ear, 85 lost a leg, and 80 lost an arm.

What is the minimum number of soldiers who must have lost all 4?

3) Six friends- raj,rahul,rajesh,ravi,rohit and rakesh are sitting in a roe, ravi and rajesh are not sitting at the extreme ends of the row. rohit sits two places to the right of rahul, but he is not at the extreme right. raj sits to the left of rahul. there are tow persons between rohit and
rajesh. whos is the person at the extreme right?

4) Achmed and Ali were camel-drivers and on one day they decided to quit their job. They wanted to become shepherds. So they went to the market and sold all their camels. The amount of money (dinars) they received for each camel was the same as the total number of camels they owned. With that money they bought as many sheep as possible at 10 dinars a sheep. With the money that was left they bought a goat.

On their way home they got in a fight and decided to split up. When they divided the sheep there was one sheep left. So Ali said to Achmed, "I take the last sheep and you can get the goat". "That's not fair," said Achmed, "a goat costs less than a sheep". "OK," Ali said, "then I will give you one of my dogs and then we are even". And Achmed agreed. 

What's the cost of a dog?

5) There is a safe with a 5 digit number as the key. The 4th 
digit is 4 greater than the second digit, while the 3rd 
digit is 3 less than the 2nd digit. The 1st digit is thrice 
the last digit. There are 3 pairs whose sum is 11. 

6) A car travels downhill at 72 mph (miles per hour), on the level at 63 mph, and uphill at only 56 mph  The car takes 4 hours to travel from town A to town B.  The return trip takes 4 hours and 40 minutes.  Find the distance between the two towns.

7) An facetious individual who was taking a long walk in the country came upon a yokel sitting on a stile. as the gentleman was not quite sure for his road, he thought he would make inquires of the local inhabitant;but at the frist glance he jumped too hastily to the conclusion that he had droped on the village idiot.

He therefore decided to test the fellow's intelligence by first putting to him the simplest question he could think of which was, "what day of the week is this, my good man?" The following is the smart answer that he recived:-

"When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as far from sunday as today was from sunday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow."

can the reader say what day of the week it was? 

8) Alice came across a lion and a unicorn in a forest of forgetfulness. Those two are strange beings. The lion lies every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the other days he speaks the truth. The unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, however the other days of the week he speaks the truth.

Lion: Yesterday I was lying.
Unicorn: So was I.

On which day did they say that?

9) A father in his will left all his money to his children in the following manner
$1000 to the first born and 1/10 of what then remains, then $2000 to the second born and 1/10 of what then remains then $3000 to the third born and 1/10 of what then remains, and so on. When this was done each child had the same amount
How many children were there?

10) A clock loses 10 minutes each hour.
If the clock is set correctly at noon,

what time is it when it reads 3 PM?

I want to be able to make some meaning out of this question.How do I approach it?

NOTE: These are not multiple choice questions. No Negative Marks.

Tata Digital Health Recent Aptitude Answers July 2016

Tata Digital Health Recent Aptitude Questions July 2016

In Tata Digital Health recruitment process is based on following rounds.
1) Aptitude (Result will announced in ON SCREEN itself)
2) Programming Round (Have to do Two Programs and you must have to complete atleast one to clear this round, it also satisfy all test case. You can do in any language prefer hackerrank complier).
3) Techical Round in Bangalore.
4) HR Round in Bangalore.

                                                         ***ALL THE BEST***

Aptitude Questions

1) My grandson is about as many days as my son is weeks, and my grandson is as many months as I am in years. My grandson, my son and I together are 120 years. Can you tell me my age in years?

2) A group of 100 soldiers suffered the following injuries in a battle: 70 soldiers lost an eye, 75 lost an ear, 85 lost a leg, and 80 lost an arm.

What is the minimum number of soldiers who must have lost all 4?

3) Six friends- raj,rahul,rajesh,ravi,rohit and rakesh are sitting in a roe, ravi and rajesh are not sitting at the extreme ends of the row. rohit sits two places to the right of rahul, but he is not at the extreme right. raj sits to the left of rahul. there are tow persons between rohit and
rajesh. whos is the person at the extreme right?

4) Achmed and Ali were camel-drivers and on one day they decided to quit their job. They wanted to become shepherds. So they went to the market and sold all their camels. The amount of money (dinars) they received for each camel was the same as the total number of camels they owned. With that money they bought as many sheep as possible at 10 dinars a sheep. With the money that was left they bought a goat.

On their way home they got in a fight and decided to split up. When they divided the sheep there was one sheep left. So Ali said to Achmed, "I take the last sheep and you can get the goat". "That's not fair," said Achmed, "a goat costs less than a sheep". "OK," Ali said, "then I will give you one of my dogs and then we are even". And Achmed agreed. 

What's the cost of a dog?

5) There is a safe with a 5 digit number as the key. The 4th 
digit is 4 greater than the second digit, while the 3rd 
digit is 3 less than the 2nd digit. The 1st digit is thrice 
the last digit. There are 3 pairs whose sum is 11. 

6) A car travels downhill at 72 mph (miles per hour), on the level at 63 mph, and uphill at only 56 mph  The car takes 4 hours to travel from town A to town B.  The return trip takes 4 hours and 40 minutes.  Find the distance between the two towns.

7) An facetious individual who was taking a long walk in the country came upon a yokel sitting on a stile. as the gentleman was not quite sure for his road, he thought he would make inquires of the local inhabitant;but at the frist glance he jumped too hastily to the conclusion that he had droped on the village idiot.

He therefore decided to test the fellow's intelligence by first putting to him the simplest question he could think of which was, "what day of the week is this, my good man?" The following is the smart answer that he recived:-

"When the day after tomorrow is yesterday, today will be as far from sunday as today was from sunday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow."

can the reader say what day of the week it was? 

8) Alice came across a lion and a unicorn in a forest of forgetfulness. Those two are strange beings. The lion lies every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday and the other days he speaks the truth. The unicorn lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, however the other days of the week he speaks the truth.

Lion: Yesterday I was lying.
Unicorn: So was I.

On which day did they say that?

9) A father in his will left all his money to his children in the following manner
$1000 to the first born and 1/10 of what then remains, then $2000 to the second born and 1/10 of what then remains then $3000 to the third born and 1/10 of what then remains, and so on. When this was done each child had the same amount
How many children were there?

10) A clock loses 10 minutes each hour.
If the clock is set correctly at noon,

what time is it when it reads 3 PM?

I want to be able to make some meaning out of this question.How do I approach it?

NOTE: These are not multiple choice questions. No Negative Marks.

Tata Digital Health Recent Aptitude Answers July 2016

Tuesday 24 November 2015


Npw we will see Common features and Uses of F1-F12 keys , and also how these keys can be used with the Combination of CTRL and ALT keys.



  • F1 key almost everywhere is used for “Help”.  if you are using windows OS and want help anywhere then press F1 key, this will open up help window for you.
  • Sometimes F1 key is used to enter the BIOS (press F1 when your computer is about to boot).
  • Combination of Win + F1 keys will open the “Help and Support» Microsoft Windows.


  • Rapidly rename the chosen file or folder. Works in all adaptations of Windows.
  • Alt + Ctrl + F2 – Opens the Document as a Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl + F2 – Opens the Preview window in Microsoft Word.
  • Frequently to enter the BIOS.


  • In the MS-DOS charge line or in Windows, press F3 to rehash the last summon.
  • Win + F3 – Advanced Search window opens in Microsoft Outlook.
  • Shift + F3 – Changes the content in Microsoft Word, from upper to lower case or capital letters at the start of each one expression.
  • In the event that I am not mixed up it is the F3 key which will cause the Application«Control» computers Apple, running Mac OS X.


  • This opens the location bar, in the event that you press F4 in Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer.
  • Rehash the last activity (MS Word )
  • Ctrl + F4 – Closes the window open in the present window, for example, a tab in the program
  • Alt + F4 – Closes the system window in Windows.


  • Refreshes the present page (works in all advanced programs), and additionally redesign the desktop or open organizers in Windows.
  • Running a slide demonstrate in Powerpoint.


  • Move the cursor in the location bar (additionally works in numerous advanced programs).
  • Ctrl + Shift + F6 – opens Document in Microsoft Word


  • Mostly used for spelling and grammar in a document programs Microsoft (Word, Outlook, etc.)


  • Pressing F8 key while your PC is about to boot will result into booting your PC in Safe mode.


  • The F9 key does not have any functionality in Windows. It may, however be used in some individual programs. To find out if it is available in the program you are using, bring up the program’s help screen and type in the words function key.


  • Activates “Menu” in the open organizer window.
  • Shift + F10 – works same as the right mouse click.
  • Pressing F10 while your system is booting will show you BIOS Information.
  •  F10 is used to enter the hidden recovery partition on computers Sony.


  • F11 Key will take you to Full screen mode and it can be used and work in any Browser.


  • Opens the “Save As” in Microsoft Word.
  • Shift + F12 – Saves a document in Microsoft Word.
  • Ctrl + Shift + F12 – Prints a document in Microsoft Word.
  • F12 key will open up Inspect element box in any Browser.
Fn + F1 or F2 or …. F12 keys will normally do the task that is Printed on the respective keys, This is basically for Laptop Users.
With this it Concludes my list of uses of F1-F12 keys in windows, if you know any more uses then please add to this article by Commenting Below.

Saturday 15 August 2015

TCS Codevita : Break The Friendship

Problem : Break The Friendship
In a class room everyone is very friendly and has bonded with others in a short span of time. During the exams, students will sit along with their friends and will write the exams, which actually resulted in the finding that only a few members in the batch are good at studies and others are not. After getting several complaints from the staff members, the Principal has agreed to change the sitting pattern during the exams for which she has formed a committee. Using a spy, committee was able to get a list of close friends for all the students in the class. Now using this list they want to identify two groups of people such that a person in one group must not be a friend to any other in the same group. Your task is to help the committee. 
Input Format:

Input consists of two parts, viz. 
1.      First Line contains, number of students in the class room (N) and number of friendship connections (M)
2.      Next M line contains a list that represents two integers i and j, which represents that i and j are friends

Output Format:

Print "Yes" if the committee can divide the students in two groups of people, else print "No".
1 <= N <= 50
1 <= M <= N * (N-1)/2

1 <= I, j <= N
Sample Input and Output

4 3
1 2
1 3
2 4


Solution in c:
int main()
  int i,j,n,temp,m,a[50];
  int f=0;

scanf("%d %d",&n,&m);
return 0;

TCS Codevita : Stone Game - Remove Last

Problem : Stone Game - Remove Last
Alice and Bob are playing a game called "Stone Game". Stone game is a two-player game. Let N be the total number of stones. In each turn, a player can remove 1, 2 or 3 stones. The player who picks the last stone, loses. They follow the "Ladies First" norm. Hence Alice is always the one to make the first move. Your task is to find out whether Alice can win, if both play the game optimally.
Input Format:

First line starts with T, which is the number of test cases. Each test case will contain N number of stones.
Output Format:

Print "Yes" in the case Alice can win, else prints "No".

Sample Input and Output



Solution in C++ :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
int nn, j,aa;
  cin >> aa;
cin >> nn;
int st[nn+1];
for(j = 0; j <= nn; j++)
st[j] = 0;
st[1] = 0;
st[2] = 1;
st[3] = 1;
for(j = 4; j <= nn; j++)
if(st[j-1] == 0 || st[j-2] == 0 || st[j-3]==0)
st[j] = 1;
st[j] = 0;
if(st[nn] == 1)
cout << "Yes\n";
cout << "No\n";
return 0;